1 definition by DefinitelynotRachel-

Literally the EPITOME of the best friend you could have in your life. She's always there for you when you need her. Always matching your vibe as a crackhead, but knows when to switch it up when it's comes to serious stuff like listening to her friends vent, or comforting them. Her eyes are so pretty it's so mesmerizing. If you just stared at each other, you'd just smile and laugh without knowing why. It's always a ball of fun when you hang out together, you'd never want it to end. She's also very into anime fandoms like Pokemon, Danganronpa, YTTD, and simultaneously into Broadway, singing and acting. The type of girl who has cool online friends, uses discord, AND a theatre kid. She'd spam text you so much like a chaotic weirdo, but you'd do the same back because it's so fun being crazy together, it's hardly a dull time. If you meet an Alina, you're in for a long ride, because she'll be with you till the end.
Rachel: How did we first meet each other?
Alina: I have NO idea, but here we are as besties!
by DefinitelynotRachel- November 11, 2021
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