3 definitions by Decker bees


To achieve something over someone else.

Secondary definition: a vaguely sexual act

Variants: kabungeled, cabungel, bungled, kanuggle
I total kabungeled you in uno.

Heyy girl wanna Kabungel.
by Decker bees August 7, 2020
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Usually bisexual look for good hug. Has the biggest dick in the shed. Is fat, sweaty, chunky like a chungo. Loves mobile games, usually has a YouTube channel (dking23)
Omg davions man boobs are so big
by Decker bees October 15, 2019
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That guy who’s a nigga but like to kabungel people. Usually used while playing uno.
You stupid kanuggle how many plus fours do you have?
by Decker bees August 13, 2020
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