3 definitions by Deciballs

Obsessive trust and faith in the living and responsive universe personified through sacred wisdom and symbology.

Opposite of Paranoia, ‘noetinoia’ is a larger framework for practicing Pronoia.
The young Jedi develops his awareness, presence, and commitment to the way of noetinoia, where all information is immediately accessible through noetic noticing and channeled commitment to embody it.
by Deciballs July 1, 2022
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A dense pack or too many churches or religious institutions in an area.
Omg, there is a spraye of churches here, like a bunch of Starbucks.
by Deciballs January 13, 2021
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While a corporatocracy can be defined as a system that is indirectly controlled by huge corporations, under the guise of democracy (opinionfront.com), a corporatopoly is a system that is controlled by a few key players that sit on interlocking boards of the biggest corporations, where all systems of government are organized by corporate powers to serve corporate interests, and human life is overseen (aka, farmed) at the agenda of the few interlocking board members.

A Corporatopoly is a consolidation of power in the hands of a few people (up to roughly 1,000, or 0.0000001% of the total population, equaling 80 of 800 million, 800 of 8 billion, 8,000 of 80 billion) who has total control over corporations and the humans that serve them.
The corporatopoly sits on top of everything and pulls global economic strings seemingly for fun, like human life is a game.
by Deciballs March 21, 2023
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