1 definition by Dave the Riss

Origin: American revolutionary war.
After: Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur,
comte de Rochambeau (1725-1807).
As a lieutenant general, comte de Rochambeau commanded the French expeditionary army sent to help the American Revolution during 1780 to 1782. His skillful leadership and professional wisdom were vital to the American-French allied victory at Yorktown in September 1781.
Rochambeau was so skilled at kicking the British's balls in battle, that his victories were called "Rochambeau's".
His name, in corrupted spelling, became slang for any number of contests or confrontation resolved by competitive nut-kicking.
Hey! I'll roshambo (Rochambeau) you for the last beer!
( etiquette usually dictates that the challenged gets first kick .. unless he's an idiot).
by Dave the Riss January 1, 2006
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