4 definitions by DafunkyWERDman

Where swiss bands stay when they are on their world tours.
Hey Hansjörg, I'm tired. Ok Olaf, I'll see if I can find a Yotel where we can sleep tonight.
by DafunkyWERDman December 23, 2022
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When you lay in your bed the opposite way around underneath your blanket. The bottom of the sheet is still tucked in and you are cozy like a sardine.
I could not get to sleep last night so I finally went to CP sardines and slept right through my alarm!
by DafunkyWERDman April 25, 2017
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Sometimes a guy's best friend, sometimes his only friend. Almost always in competition with his neighbor Lefty Lubbercock. Known to his buddies as Harry Hand at all circle parties.
The air was cold around his date at the Hawaiian summer luau . He was happy to meet up with Harold Handelmann soom after he dropped her off at her parents place.
by DafunkyWERDman April 3, 2018
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A heater that warms up your seat. Especially useful when it snows in California or Saskatchewan.
Aaron didn't put on his long John's he got back in 1992 for Christmas. On a cold December evening in Regina, waiting in the Starbuck's line for his quad venti half caf breve no foam with whip two splenda stirred skinny three pump peppermint mocha, no sleeve, he clicked on his seater on high. "You lose winter, you lose", he muttered with a slight grin.
by DafunkyWERDman December 30, 2022
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