12 definitions by DH

an ass clown that doesn't realize he's an ass clown
Look at homey cheese over there bustin' a sag like it was actually ever cool to do that.
by DH March 25, 2004
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Short for "Super Djarums," a brand of clove cigarette
Shit, can i bum a clove off you?
by DH January 20, 2004
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Yes,that Pamela is from Vancouver;and she IS a ditchpig!
by DH September 23, 2003
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Damnit, I should be studying for my exam. But I still pwned you in counter-strike!
by DH December 20, 2004
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Relating to online dating: the initial exchange of photos because it is often the first speedbump towards finding somebody online. If the picture is more appealing than not, well then congratulations, you've passed the Quasimodo Test!
Sandy passed Jim's Quasimodo Test, but she couldn't stomach his goiter, so he was history.
by DH July 20, 2004
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1337 Sexay Bish vip from Jit's hub. Also leeb op at tropical Moon
Dh is teh sexay. I want his cawk!
by DH September 25, 2003
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One who acts flippantly in the face of immediate danger.
The car almost ran over the creef playing in the road.
by DH March 31, 2005
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