3 definitions by DEZtheDESTROYER

A Person whose only true accomplishment in life is to reproduce.
Jerry will never be a legend like Einstein or Tesla nor will he be myth like Hercules or Thor...no jerry will only be a breeder because in the end that’s all he’ll contribute to the world.
by DEZtheDESTROYER November 19, 2018
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“Preboná” in essence would be modern term in Spanish for an extremely Conceited girl..

She’s so full of herself, her head might pop with all the air in it..

These woman are easily identifiable, they usually 4’11- 5’6 in height.. they have extremely toxic traits via true personalities that are intertwined with a damsel in distress syndrome..
Sí, mírala, cree que el mundo gira a su alrededor... Apuesto a que está hablando con 7 chicos a la vez..que Preboná
by DEZtheDESTROYER April 10, 2023
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