2 definitions by D. Slippington

The frothy lather created when a Russian gas cooker’s vaginal juices are mixed with man gravy, genital sweat a.k.a. Duck Butter and saliva, then laced with the odour of burned latex.
“Hey Denise, you should have seen the Russian Imperial Soap this gassie from St Petersburg left me with.”
by D. Slippington April 6, 2016
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A vanilla brand of sexual penetration where an Archbishop forces your head onto his single barrel pump action yoghurt rifle ultimately resulting in a ring of baby batter around the collar of your cassock.
“You’d never believe it Terrence, I just copped a pell-end in my mouth and all I got was this lousy pell necklace!”
by D. Slippington March 6, 2019
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