3 definitions by CycleBreak

In the advanced wings set, this is achieving red, white and blue wings at the same time. This is the highest and most sought after wing. Some say this is the ever illusive unicorn of the advanced wings set and is nearly impossible to achieve.
You know Sally the virgin? I just banged her in the pool while she was on her period. I just earned my American wings!
by CycleBreak December 17, 2021
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When you have sex with a girl on her period in a shower. Each thrust produces blood that trickles down your leg and swirls into the drain recreating that famois scene from the movie Psycho.
"I had sex with my girlfriend in the shower. I realized she was on her period when i looked down and saw blood spinning down the drain."

"Dude, you just earned your Psycho wings!"
by CycleBreak January 1, 2022
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