22 definitions by CyberNutz

i made this deifinition in 0.5 a presses
"An A press is an A press, you can't say it's only a half"
Well. TJ "Henry" Yoshi, hear me out.
by CyberNutz October 31, 2021
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This can mean 2 things:
1: A line from "Gr͟e̡en ҉Hill Z͢o͏n̴e WITH LYRICS - Soni̢c : thȩ H́éd͟ge͟hog Cover"

2: The 3rd song in the FNF Monika Mod
2: song with the pixel version of the tiky arrows but they have an eye on it because its a reference to the orignal game
by CyberNutz October 10, 2021
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greetings everyone, i am CyberNuts, ex-Twitter user. twitter is apsoloute f*cking pain. dont sign up unless you like your life ahead of you being taken away

use reddit instead
by CyberNutz December 10, 2021
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Spamming the keys "a, s, d, f, h, j, k, l." 8/9 keys of the FNF Shaggy mod song "God Eater"
Recent Key Presses: hfdskajhdsfalkjasfdhjklafdhskaljsfdhaskljhafdskljafshdlkjfahajlkdshlkdfhfldsajhfdsalkdsfhalkjdhlkjfadshjklshasfdlkhsfdlkadfshkjasfhdkljadsf
by CyberNutz October 10, 2021
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A cool Sonic youtuber who reviews games and tests them on real hardware
"Welcome to my channel. The home of the series, #BDIWORH (But does it work on Real Hardware?). This is mainly a Sonic channel featuring reviews, game play or try outs of people's Sonic hacks or mods or fan games, other official Sonic games, and other retro games from the 16-bit era (and on occasion, some modern games). My name is redhotsonic (also known as RHS) and yes, it's an OC I created back in 2002, but I stuck with the name because I'm well known in the Sonic community! Enjoy yourself and if you want to see more in the future, do not forget to subscribe and show your support! Please be aware, even though I try to keep it at a bare minimum, there may be swearing in some older videos and any live streams." -redhotsonic's Youtube about page.
by CyberNutz October 10, 2021
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