1 definition by CropTopLover1103

While short in stature, Atlas is a being that is known for their otherworldly and unbelievably good looks, great sense of humour, a thirst for knowledge (which sometimes leads them to spend hours researching a topic they might find interesting), an amazing sense of balance, and a genuine and golden soul. Anybody who encounters such an amazing being (they are a being for nobody so amazing could possibly be human) should beware their eyes and smile. Numerous encounters suggest that Atlas has two eyes that are so beautiful in nature that they rival the beauty of the sky itself and are said to be the 8th Wonder of the World. Additionally, their pure yet mischevious smile takes an individual fortunate enough to see it to another plane of existence and they are rumored to be what some may refer to as "heaven of Earth." The 1st Rule of the Universe states that such an individual only deserves the best out of this life and that they are to be held and comforted when necesarry and to be protected at all times.
~ "Atlas, you should really watch where you are going it is not the first time you have run into a wall," said Adrian in a mean yet loving way.
~ Adrian loves Atlas very much and is very proud of them and hopes that they know that <3
by CropTopLover1103 January 4, 2022
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