2 definitions by CrimsonBlood

A peaceful and ridiculous rebellion designed to flaunt the Stairwellian's individuality to any authority figures present, by employing ties, magic markers, and large quantities of newspaper hats.

When the Stairwellians are dissatisfied with their current situation (and this can range from eviction notices to monotony) they will rebel. This is referred to as a 'Stairwellian Rebellian'. In which a massing of Stairwellians and Stairwellian sympathizers gather. Newspaper hats are provided, toting various messages such as 'Fight the System', 'Viva La Revolution!' or 'A plague on both your houses!' Other markings on the hats may include paper feathers, usually worn by the ringleaders of the rebellion. These feathers are a special honor and dignify respect from all.

Among the Stairwellian Sympathizers are many of the staff members, who both respect and enjoy the company of these refreshing minors. However this can not be said of all the staff, as some choose to view them as delinquents, and will attempt to usurp their habitat at every available opportunity.

Please note the spelling of Rebellian has been changed to match the word spelling of Stairwellian
Grab your hats ladies and gentlemen, its another Stairwellian Rebellian
by CrimsonBlood March 7, 2005
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The clinically insane inhabitants of a Stairwell, hell bent on chaos, anarchy, and the pursuit of Root beer.

Founded in 2003 at a Bear Creek High school, the Stairwellians main habitat is in a Stairwell. They strive to be different, with a passion like no other. They may be a friendly grouping of clinically insane people, but if upset with there surroundings they may perform a ritual known only as a Stairwellian Rebellian. The daily lives of a Stairwellian is to meet in the morning outside there stairwell, then proceeding to salute and hug each other they proceed to be late for class. The Stairwellians meet once again at lunch period where they talk and discuss various events during the day. Once again after proceeding to class late, they meet outside the stairwell at the conclusion to the day and bid there farewells. The ideal food for a Stairwellian is raw cookie dough and root beer, also an occasional Hump Day Buffet. Please be forewarned when approaching a Stairwellian, for there is a high probability of being hugged and/or licked.
Oh my, there goes one of those Stairwellians.

The Kid's in the stairwell, there the stairwellians.
by CrimsonBlood March 7, 2005
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