2 definitions by Crandful of Snarn

An alternative name for a wood pigeon. Used to show disgust or hatred towards these pigeons, especially when they sit there staring at you.

Applies to pigeons exhibiting lots of crand.
1. Oh for piss' sake, a stupid Padjo shat on my car!

2. I wish that bloody Padjo would stop staring at me, it's freaking me out.
by Crandful of Snarn November 29, 2008
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The thing pigeons possess that makes them evil.

It's like snarn, but not for cats.
1. Look at that pigeon with all it's fucking crand...

2. Snarn and the world snarns with you. Crand and you crand alone.
by Crandful of Snarn November 29, 2008
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