2 definitions by Cpt Brownsauce Sandwich

Spuffy is a common name given to pet raccoons due to their propensity for constant masturbation.
John D "Dude...did you here that Ben got a pet raccoon?! He called it Spuffy"
John G "Ahhh! That explains the stains on the walls"
by Cpt Brownsauce Sandwich December 15, 2009
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the act of swinging a full shopping bag around your penis.
similar to a windmill
Ted: Havent seen you around in a while Dave. You alright?
Dave: I tried to show Julie a Tesco Roundabout and snapped my penis! I've been in hospital for the last month!
Ted: Dude
by Cpt Brownsauce Sandwich February 14, 2010
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