9 definitions by Couldn’t think of a name

A Republican whom ran in 2016 as president o bathe United States and Won, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin, Ohio, Texas, Arizona, Michigan, Florida, South Carolina, Alaska, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa etc. His campaign ran on the basis of classical liberal ideals like Working class protectionism, Unification amongst Americans, and anti-interventionism. Trump governed rather conservatively which was a point of contention with the Mainstream Republican Party at the time who had trouble getting behind Trump. There were many policies that were greatly liked by the American middle and lower class, those being for one the Wall and tighter immigration policy which saved middle class and working class jobs being filled by unskilled workers, who work for less. Another policy was the Trump tax plan which lowered taxes for lower and middle class families. Another move by the Trump administration was to remove regulation and red tape to bring back oil and coal jobs. Policies of trade also were a big concern to the Trump Administration, the Trump administration issued tariffs on Europe, China, Canada, and Mexico to attempt to bring American jobs back to the US.
by Couldn’t think of a name December 7, 2020
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A Rapist that in the act of raping also murders the victim.
Jimmy is a fuckin Rurderer man!
by Couldn’t think of a name January 2, 2021
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