2 definitions by Cosmokramer

The physical and mental states that come as a direct result of eating so much sushi that your motor skills, ability to operate heavy machinery, and capacity for rational thought are severely impaired.
I can't get too sushfaced at lunch; I have a meeting at 2:00.

I was going to drive home, but I got so sushfaced at Ru-San's that I had to take a cab.

I've had such a long week. I just want to get sushfaced tonight.
by Cosmokramer January 25, 2013
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An uncomfortably high ratio of men occupying a bar, club or house party.
Upon entering the bar, it was immediately evident that a San Francisco Bake Sale was going on. We took our par and we got outta there...
by Cosmokramer April 28, 2008
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