4 definitions by Cool aid drinking monkey

Harald (røverland) is an eating monster that will quite litarly eat whatever it sees. Harald is from "røverland" where its filled with stealing goblins and adidas wearing europeans. Røverland is a dangerous place
dam boy he eats alot he must be a harald (røverland) ivo
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DR kæsp is a quite distiguitshed and peliquler type of person with a big fucking forehead, like im talking big big im talking the arial of the universe times the size of my dick. Now that you got a good understanding of what he is you can learn how he has the worst most scumptious and peliquver rizz you ever seen. one time a girl asked him for his number suprisingly, then this big head ass monkey said why would you need that
he got zero im talking negativ 256 divided by the squarefott of pi rizz and a big ass head he must be a DR kæsp
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Black pencil is a term used in the united station of Amerima.
Black pencil is my favorit penicl
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Maur (apemannen) is a big eared monkey that could hear you from the squarefott og pi based on the theory of e=mc2
Maur has big fucking ears and he is probaly hearing me typing this. He is a very scumptius monkey with big as ears he likes two listen to the sound of you taking your socks of while you sleep.
dam he has big fucking ears he must be a Maur (apemannen)
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