1 definition by CookedXBOX360

Little Josh, The ultimate Josh of all Josh's who battled on the legendary josh-battleground

"Josh was 4, 4 yearsold
He went to win a fight, I'm told
Together the Joshes did some fight
But 4 yearolds know how to bite

He bit the Joshes on their knees
He won this fight with teeth, and ease
He was so cute they could not fight
He slayed them with his tiny might" - u/Josh was 4, 4 yearsold
He went to win a fight, I'm told
Together the Joshes did some fight
But 4 yearolds know how to bite

He bit the Joshes on their knees
He won this fight with teeth, and ease
He was so cute they could not fight
He slayed them with his tiny might" u/ASK_ABOUT__VOIDSPACE
Felix(Ex-Josh, Josh-Battle-Veteran): "Who won the fight?"
Ben(Ex-Josh, Josh-Battle-Veteran): "The King, LITTLE JOSH!!"
by CookedXBOX360 April 24, 2021
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