1 definition by Conrad1901

Brooke is far beyond beautiful, she is ravishing, lovely, incredible, overwhelming, adorable, alluring, enticing, and amazing. She is a stunner - She will take your flipping breath away before you can even introduce yourself. Her eyes are constantly shining with joy even if she were sad or happy. She is a fireball that I can barely handle and I must say that if you think that your "Brooke" is hot or sexy, you need to seriously look into a girl and see what is inside because that is all that matters to me anyways. To my Amazing Brooke ~ Conner
Guy 1 - She was such a "Brooke". I just wanted to hold her tight and never let go.

Guy 2 - What is a Brooke?!?

Guy 1 - A Brooke is far beyond...
by Conrad1901 September 28, 2011
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