5 definitions by Confident Lefty

1) Deep breath made when desperate for air.

2) Deep breath made when surprised.
1) After emerging from his tankless, two-minute-and-thirty-seven-second dive, Frank gasped for air with deep, exhausted breaths.

2) I gasped when I learned that Lena was in fact the one who wrote the "Anel was here" message on the blackboard that hat gotten us detention.
by Confident Lefty February 20, 2006
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Tension between high/middle school friends that usually affects more than just the few people who got into the original spat. Possibly stems from tenuous friendships and unfamiliarity with the personality of friends' friends.

Synonym for 'inability to maintain relationships.'
There was some drama in the group that called themselves the Buchanan Street Rockers which was reportedly caused when Nellie tried to suplex Allison through an announce table.
by Confident Lefty August 11, 2006
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Something nice said about someone else, often to the "someone else" about whom the nice thing is said. Great for self-esteem.
Dan complimented Joe for being honest enough to admit that he had actually thought it was spelled 'Mientkiewich'
by Confident Lefty August 11, 2006
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To improve or perfect, usually regarding a skill.
My keyboarding abilities were honed in that online computer game.
by Confident Lefty February 20, 2006
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Careful, methodical. Often a kind substitute for 'slow.'
Alan meticulously filled the can, making sure there were exactly 100 beans in it.
by Confident Lefty February 20, 2006
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