5 definitions by Commentur The Great

Someone who should be kept locked up and far from society.
"Get Willy Wonka away from my children"
by Commentur The Great February 15, 2021
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The best game that nobody ever heard of.
“Did you ever play Outer Wilds?”
“Do you mean The Outer Worlds?”
by Commentur The Great February 15, 2021
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A response for when someone you hate does something nice to you.
A combination of "thank you" and "fuck you".
"Here have this fuckin cup of coffee you asshole"
"Thuck you Jimmy"
by Commentur The Great March 12, 2021
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The ultimate insult.
Being hit with it will make you disappear for exactly 92 seconds.
"You are a coward and a scoundrel"
"You are dum"
by Commentur The Great February 15, 2021
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An extreme state of tiredness or lightheadedness in which someone would burst out laughing at anything and everything, even if it isn't funny.
The phrase was named after the "spoon test" - a method of diagnosing such a state. In the test, the word "spoon" would be uttered randomly and without context to the person in question. If said person would burst out laughing, you know they're in a spoon mode.
Dave was in a total spoon mode yesterday, he even laughed at Emma's jokes.
by Commentur The Great July 11, 2021
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