17 definitions by Commander8750

An insult used by a small minority that means the victim is nothing.
Person 1: I don't like your motives.
Person 2: you are a Horse fucking Thundercunt
by Commander8750 September 2, 2022
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A holiday that was first called "Hallow's Eve" for Christan or Catholic until 1800s when it became a holiday for kids to dress up and get candy.
Halloween was a religious holiday due to "All Saint's Day."
by Commander8750 December 22, 2018
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A lazy dance made by fat or husky people that are to lazy to learn about what true dancing is.
Go dab at your grave if you don't respect our old fashion dancing.
by Commander8750 December 22, 2018
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The belief that everything is entitled to or should be against the main core or a long history to be forgotten by putting ideology politics into entertainment, always in media that has nothing to do with the iedology politics that the group of people want labelled under, and backfires most of the time.
Guy 1: Did you hear about that woke company that abandoned all it's main audiance?
Guy 2: Which one? There is like so many of them putting ideology politics into things they don't need it to be part of.
Guy 1: Oh you right, the entertainment industry is way too woke nowadays.
by Commander8750 July 7, 2022
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A person that believes and claims they are untouchable and have not gotten any type of consequences after breaking the law multiple times over the internet, making horrible comments in a negative manner, claiming a hacker has removed their comments when they alone have done it, scamming people of money for a service they claim they are professional at but yet has been proven they are not a professional at all by multiple people.
We have so many QuantumTVs on YouTube that have abused the DMCA multiple times. wish YouTube would do something about this.
by Commander8750 July 7, 2022
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A person that does stupid things and doesn't care about the consequences.
That pauler should be in jail for what he did, but he just said 'Dab on those haters.'
by Commander8750 December 22, 2018
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A group of people that go on video game console subrettits or formus to talk down to the "console peasants', as this group believes that games should only be on PC only and are considered outcasts by the PC Master Race.
Console gamer: Oh look at thos graphics, they are so--
PC Gamer: Why are you complenting those horrible graphics? They look like shit.
Console Gamer: Oh joy... another PC Mustard Race person... I heard Batman Arkham Knight didn't do so well on PC. SUCK ON THAT!
by Commander8750 September 2, 2022
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