2 definitions by ColdCoffeeWhat

A meme based on the song "Summer" by Calvin Harris. The original meme shows a girl crouched down next to a png of a hamster saying "Me pregunto qué me dirías si pudieras hablar" which when translated reads, "I wonder what you would say to me if you could talk." The video then switched next to the hamster with a chat bubble reading the lyrics of the song as it plays in the background, however, they are spelt incorrectly. Spelt like how they sound. The different versions of the meme normally cut out the beginning with the girl, and just have the chat bubble, repalcing the hamster with different characters.'

The earliest video of this meme I could find was posted Oct 13, 2021, by a channel named Leo S. The description of the video reads "Ya cállate pendejo No das risa," which means "Shut up asshole, you don't make me laugh," which makes me question if the video is actually theirs. However, the meme has become very popular on TikTok.
by ColdCoffeeWhat April 23, 2022
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A mickey is when a twitch stream has too many "your mom" jokes
Yeah dude, this stream is such a Mickey! The "your mom" jokes are just getting unfunny
by ColdCoffeeWhat April 15, 2021
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