5 definitions by Clayton25

The act of expelling gas from your anus without any clothing or cover to filter the hot air.
Mario pulled down his boxers and let out an unfiltered fart
by Clayton25 March 26, 2008
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At the point of ejaculation, you aim your semen directly onto your testes. You then let it dry, and notice how the mounds resemble fried ice cream. Then you can enjoy the dried semen covered testes, or a friend can enjoy.
I hate waiting for my semen to dry, im too excited to enjoy a serving of fried ice cream
by Clayton25 March 19, 2008
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The act of using your testes to reenact any play, musical, opera, or movie with your testicles.
Mike's testicular rendition of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" was brilliant. Who would have thought that a testicle could resemble Jack Nicholson so much?
by Clayton25 March 19, 2008
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during the act of 69ing your partner, you expel gas from your anus into their hair.
I've shampooed my hair six times and still cant get the smell out from when Mike gave me a blow dryer.
by Clayton25 March 19, 2008
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during the act of 69ing your partner, you expel gas from your anus into their hair.
I've shampooed my hair six times and still cant get the smell out from when Mike gave me a blow dryer.
by Clayton25 March 19, 2008
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