4 definitions by Clay_

A person who, somehow, gets paid 3x your salary to recruit graduating high school students for military activities that contribute nothing of society.
Jeff had a month left in school before the army recruiter showed up at his door, offering to pay his college tuition in favor of his service.
by Clay_ July 17, 2022
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An idea so absurdly contradictory that, if ever implemented, would result in the decimation of any rights you ever had and ultimately devolve back into feudalism. Would also incinerate the planet faster than capitalism ever could.
Anarcho-capitalism is what happens when you sleep through history class.
by Clay_ July 17, 2022
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A term used by socialists to mock neoliberals for their fundamental misunderstanding about socialism and why Venezuela fell into crisis.

There were many factors that contributed to Venezuela's crisis, but the most obvious was the country's heavy reliance on oil for its economy, which lead to it collapsing when the price fell. Additionally, most of the country has been in private hands, such as 70% of the economy, 50% of the healthcare, and 80% of the workforce. If we went off these metrics, Norway, Denmark, etc. would be socialist, but rather, they're considered social democracies, which is a more friendlier version of capitalism to the people in said country (but not considered socialist).
Neoliberal: Venezuela was socialist and collapsed because of it, therefore socialism doesn't work.
Socialist: Vuvuzela no iPhone 100 billion dead
by Clay_ July 16, 2022
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Codename for invasion. Often used in the context of oil, but works with practically any nationalized industry / trade.
We will be bringing democracy to Iraq.
by Clay_ August 3, 2022
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