2 definitions by Cinderling

The Dream SMP headcanon/au where Quackity is a parent/parental figure to Tubbo. The main reason it exists is because Schlatt and Quackity were canonically married and people headcanoned Tubbo to be Schlatt's son, which would make Quackity Tubbo's step father. Because of this, the au typically relates to Dad!Schlatt, though it is nowhere near as popular.

Person A: What are your opinions on Dad!Schlatt?
Person B: it's pretty cute, but I prefer MamaQ
by Cinderling June 3, 2021
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Gillion Tidestrider, Champion of the Undersea, Hero of the Deep, The One, Singer/Songwriter of Gillion and the Tidestriders' hit single "The Hole in Your Heart", Warrior of Rock and Roll, Pigeon Lord, Moisture Master, Horse Tamer, Defenestrator of the Adulterous, Friend of Dugon, Dugon's Best Friend, Walking Fish, Fish, Dirt Eater, Chum of Chibo and Chums, Co-Captain Gill of the Riptide Pirates, Co-captain of the Albatross, Companion of Pretzel, Paramount Champion, Knighter of Julian That One Time, Pretzel Carrier, Leviathan Tamer, Serpent Rider, Brother of Dugon, Friend of Duke D Dukem Duke of Dooke, Eater of Grass, Beater of Ass, Grandma's Good Boy, Dismantler of Evil, Eater of Shit, Capitalism Hater, Royalty Assassinator, Sufferer of the Spice, Weed Eater, Slayer of Evil, Loffinlot Liberator, Fruitninja, Eater of Sand, Juice Enjoyer, Rescuer of John, Fishy, Bitcoin Miner, NFT Purchaser, Driplord, Grandmillion, The One Who Will Change The World, Grimm Slayer, In Need of a Dad, Goblin Gobbler, Lime Lord, Tuber, Chip's Nightmare Fuel, Monsoon And Moon Son, Eater of Ass, Pretzel Seeker (as of July 2022). The character Charlie Slimecicle plays in the DnD podcast Just Roll With It (JRWI)
Gillion Tidestrider more like Gillion Tideshitter
There are many benefits to being a marine biologist.
by Cinderling July 18, 2022
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