Speaking directly about someone's Butt, Backside, Tushy, or Booty. Replace the word describing someone's butt with dukem.
Damn, did you see the dukem on that girl? Timmy's mom got two scoops of dukem!
by vlewis September 12, 2008
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When a person takes a massive dump in another persons microwave and cooks it on the highest setting until it explodes into a shitty mess or catches on fire. The Nuke Duker normally flees the scene so that when the owner of the microwave finds the evidence, they are none the wiser.
I was at my best friends house and he drank all my beer, so while he was at work, I ate everything in his fridge and then left him a Nuke Dukem.
by Steven Langston April 9, 2007
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The act of running into a bar bathroom needing to vomit, proceeding to open a stall door and projectile puke directly onto someone who is taking a crap. Then, punching them in the face to eliminate the possibility of any retaliation.
"Dude we gotta go...like right now" "Why?" "I just Puke Dukem'd a guy in there, we don't have much time."
by prythirdeye November 7, 2011
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