3 definitions by Christopher Mckay

The best kind of sex in the world
I pounded her tight ass.
Wow that must have felt great.
Well duh seing as anal sex is the best sex in the world!
by Christopher Mckay February 21, 2006
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A fucking useless maths thing that u will never need to use.
i can't believe we have a test on pythagoras theorem. its not like we will ever use it later on in life
by Christopher Mckay February 22, 2006
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1. A good christian/catholic person who lives by the rules of the bible and does not pick the parts of the bible that suit him/her the most. Is often ridiculed for the above.
2. What gay and non christian people call everyone who believes in what the bible says.
1.Person1: Gee that guy is so good he is going to heaven for sure.
Person two: I hate that bible thumper!
2.Person1: I don't think gay people should be married becuase...
Person2: You are like, such a bible thumper!
by Christopher Mckay February 21, 2006
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