2 definitions by Christobear

A Rogan is a unit of measurement equal to the exact height of Joe Rogan, 3.33", also equal to the average man's big toe when measured from tarsometatarsal joint to the tip.

Rogans are always rounded up to whole numbers, and never given in decimal points.

The Rogan has proved to be a useful method of measurement. Most normal human male are 22-23 Rogans tall. Typically, men inside the normal range cooperate well with each other.

As a general rule, adult men 20 Rogans in height and under are never to be trusted. 21 Rogans is extremely questionable. An adult male of only 21 Rogans in height should be supervised by actual men until they have proven themselves worthy of inclusion in normal society.

Unfortunately, this useful unit of measurement is mostly used by height supremacists to ridicule short men obsessed with obtaining more lollipops and fancy pants in their lives. Ie Joe Rogan
by Christobear April 6, 2021
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Waron (noun)
war-on / wòr-än

A person stupid enough to hate whatever the MSM tells them to hate. A waron will support or commit violent actions against any person, idea, or thing they are directed to hate. Evidence is irrelevant to a waron. Only narrative matters. A waron is incable of rational thought and can only speak in slogans and talking points.
Jason just updated his profile pic to support the current thing, he's such a waron!
by Christobear March 22, 2022
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