1 definition by ChocolateMilkBuildsStrongBones

Is like the Catholic Purgatory, in that people holier-than-thou beat you over the head (with textbooks rather than maces) and after suffering through this for a set period of time, you eventually are permitted to pass through the Pearly Gates when the Principal hands you the diploma. Of course, there is also the possibility of going to Hell by dropping out. But, no worries-- all high school affects is the fate of your immortal soul.
Parent-- "What did your English teacher assign for homework?"

Teenager-- "Dante. Pure torture."

Parent-- "Well, it might SEEM like Hell now, but don't worry-- it'll make you a better person. You can even use that when you send in college applications."

And then you wonder if you'll make it to college, or if your obituary will read 'cause of death: high school.'
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