4 definitions by China Bat Soup

The combination of AIDS and autism. Used as a form of exclamation during situations which cause or illicit extreme anger, irritation, or annoyance and cant simply be described with AIDS or autism.
Person 1: Ayo, I heard that they're gonna make us work on holidays now.
by China Bat Soup January 13, 2021
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Someone who can decrypt the meaning of China Fax. As years pass by, the less China Fax Decryptors exist in our world. To master the skill of decrypting China Fax, one must be constantly surrounded by China Fax and be unfazed by their utter meaninglessness.
Person 1: Today I fu the cut, no brush for me.
Person 2: Ayo can we get a china fax decryptor?
by China Bat Soup January 13, 2021
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Used as a response to confusing or odd situations. Similar to China Fax, but with less potency. Other versions are: What in the name of Jah?, What in the good world of Jah Jesus?, etc.
Person 1: Yo you want to eat some bat soup? I have some left from yesterday.
Person 2: What in Jah's name?
by China Bat Soup January 13, 2021
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Something that is completely and utterly incomprehensible and can only be understood by a China Fax Decryptor. China Fax is also used to respond to the aforementioned incomprehensible statement.
Person 1: Im gong tu fuk yur mam
Person 2: China Fax
by China Bat Soup January 13, 2021
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