19 definitions by Chas501

A leader who leads through autocratic edicts, with no regard for the opinions of his advisers, political affiliates or anyone else. Frequently an unhinged narcissist who makes delusional incoherent ramblings without regard to how he is perceived or the potential consequences.
Reporter: What do you say to the fact that 19 US Intelligence Agencies all agree that Russia hacked the DNC to influence the elections?

Trump: I think it was a 400 pound fat kid sitting on his bed in New Jersey.

Audience Member (quietly): Chris Christie has a son?

Reporter: What can you tell us about your Muslim Ban?
Trump: It's working bigly.

Reporter (later to colleague): Did you hear Donald's comments at the press conference? Yeah, spoken like a true Trumptator.
by Chas501 February 17, 2017
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Usually occurs while farting or "break"ing wind. During a windbreak a small unassuming turd seizes the opportunity and sneeks out while the door is open (so to speak).
I can't believe it, but I was out crop dusting in the hallway yesterday and had a jailbreak, so I had to visit the restroom for a cleanup on aisle 5.
by Chas501 July 25, 2008
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When our president, or someone in charge with great responsibility, acts or reacts in an immature or childlike manner, especially in a way diminishes the prestige associated with their position by making statements or taking actions that are widely considered unreasonable, ridiculous, appalling or disgusting.
Senator Bob Corker was really on point when he made the comment about the White House being an adult day-care. Did you hear about the way our "Toddler In Chief "reacted to criticism about the way he treated a fallen soldiers widow on the phone, basically calling the widow a liar?
by Chas501 December 4, 2017
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She had her Vagina Garden trimmed into a landing strip.
by Chas501 April 25, 2007
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Yarr! is like saying yeah! It can convey a sense of loss, a feeling of resination, and can even confirm agreement, but more appropriately it's just yeah.

Yarr! My pirate's booty has been stolen.
by Chas501 September 19, 2007
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Did you hear the latest Trump Truth about crime being the highest it's been in 47 years. Yeah, I know crime is about as low as it has been in 15 years. I think they forgot to send that one through conversion therapy.
by Chas501 February 16, 2017
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When it's so cold you can see the moisture condense from the vapor similar to seeing your breath.
As if the smell wasn't enough, did you see Chuck passing those arctic farts?
by Chas501 January 15, 2016
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