2 definitions by Chadlington

The name for someone who knows portion control, but loves to take too much Ket and force themselves into a K-hole. A Ketamine Kathy loves to ride the K-hole and enjoys pulling others into the K-hole with them. A Ketamine Kathy is an evil bitch, and will do anything to keep the sesh going. A Ketamine Kathy is not the same as a Ketamine Kelly.
Greg: Chad, how did I end up in this K-hole? I didnt even have that much.
Chad: Blame Johan, he's such a Ketamine Kathy tonight.
by Chadlington May 28, 2019
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The name for someone who loves to sesh, but struggles with portion control, and knowing when too much is too much. A Ketamine Kelly does not enjoy the K-hole, but more often then not finds themselves buried deep in one. Portion control is not limited to ketamine, and can include MD, Coke or men. Not the same as a Ketamine Kathy
Johan: Greg, I cant deal with Ketamine Kelly here, you need to take him home!
Greg: I know! Where is the rest of it?
Chad: Help. I can't feel my nose. Blep.
by Chadlington May 28, 2019
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