45 definitions by Chad Chett

Also called Faze Rugging it, or pulling a Faze Rug, this term was coined by the rising YouTube Star Jidion. In simple terms Faze Rugging is the act or art of faking pranks or faking stuff in general. It is often used in the sense of faking a YouTube prank for followers and likes. However it can be used as a way of saying someone or something is lying or faking it.
John: Yo bro I hooked up with Livvy Dunne at the frat party last night.
Joe: Nah bro stop Faze Rugging it we both know you got drunk off 2 white claws last night and went home with a lizzo.
by Chad Chett January 11, 2022
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a cringeworthy phrase an alt or emo girl will say to an attractive or blonde girl because the alt girl got offended. They say it like it’s an insult but in reality the alt girl’s crush probably likes the attractive blonde girl and has probably smashed her while the alt girl hasn’t even gotten added back on snap.
Emily: “DiD hE PicK yOu YeT sIS
Stacey: Yes.
by Chad Chett January 14, 2022
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Honestly one of the worst days in the week. It’s the last day of your weekend, you’re probably hungover or tired from parting all weekend, and you probably have to wake up early for school or work the next day. Monday often gets the bad rep of being the worst day of the week, however at least you’ll be well rested and in two days it’ll be Wednesday and then the next day will be Friday Eve. Also for some reason your anxiety sky rockets on Sunday and you’ll probably be eating pot roast for dinner like usual.
I hate Sunday with a burning passion.
by Chad Chett January 13, 2022
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A so called “war” that is occurring online between straight males and straight females. On one hand you have females pushing the narrative that all men are misogynistic, cheaters, abusers, narcissistic, and uncaring. On the the other hand you have males pushing the narrative that females are superficial (only caring about looks, money, fame, height, etc), unloyal, promiscuous, dishonest, and inherently evil. These two narratives have caused both men and women online to harass and bully each other to the point where both genders appear to be at a “war” with each-other. While some men and women do follow these stereotypes, not every person (male or female) is a quarter as bad as the internet makes each gender to be. If you go out in the real world, you’ll see that there are good people associated with both genders. The majority of the men out are very loving and humble. And meanwhile the majority of women out there in the real world are very loyal, and kind hearted.
Most males and females are good people with good morals. The gender wars will make you believe the opposite. Males = Females 🤝 <3
by Chad Chett February 15, 2022
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There’s probably that one mf. They’re probably not popular and they’re quiet and shy. You might only know their first name but other than that and maybe their last name you don’t know anything about them. And yet you have mad feelings for them. You’ll look at them every once and awhile but you don’t want to look creepy or suspicious. Y’all have only spoken once, and when y’all did talk it was probably awkward and brief. And yet when you talked to them, your face turned as red as a tomato. You then realize that this person is adorable and also hot as hell. You want to make a move but you are also intimidated. The semester ends or they switch classes, and you realize that you’ll never see this person again in your life and that you fumbled the bag.
Brad: I fumbled the bag with that Jennifer girl. She was so fine but she was as quiet as a mouse. She’s now dating a new mf.

Chad: You had a lowkey crush on her. She was probably into you but you didn’t even say hi to her all semester. You def fumbled brother.
by Chad Chett January 31, 2022
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The art of using a cigarette, blunt, e cigarette or disposable on the toilet while you take a massive shit. Often used by high schoolers that don’t want their mom to catch them, this action is only for those who are seriously addicted to nicotine or weed.
Emily thought it would be smart to Shit n Toke because she hasn’t taken a dump all day and she needs her nicotine fix before her mom comes home.
by Chad Chett January 12, 2022
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As someone who attends this university, This is the university where you go if your IQ is below 100. Don’t get me wrong the campus is pretty but everything else about the campus is laughable. First of all the fraternities and sororities here are a joke. They are all wannabe fraternities and sororities that let anyone in. Second of all the student population is probably the most unattractive in the state of Texas. A SFA 10 would be a TXST 6 and a TCU 3. Also if you go here and you want a job, well you ain’t getting one. Most employers would probably laugh in your face if you said you went to SFA. Also everyone here tries to act country but are just trying to get on Texas A&M’s caliber. Also the cost to come here is super cheap so if you come here your parents are probably broke. If you want to waste 4-5 years of your life don’t waste it here, waste it at Sam Houston or UHD.
Stephen F Austin University is a joke
by Chad Chett November 25, 2021
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