2 definitions by CaveMoss

One who daydreams aloud. The body forgets to differentiate between reality and the illusion.
Talking, laughing, pacing, etc are often apart of the actions the body takes on to act out the daydream. Unlike Schizophrenia, a Maladaptive Daydreamer knows that it is only a daydream and can often control when they have them.
She paces in her room talking and laughing even though she's completely alone. She must be a Maladaptive Daydreamer.
by CaveMoss November 5, 2014
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Of or pertaining to the actions of a mofo (motherf*cker.)
Can be spelled like: Mofo-ic
He smeared a bean burrito on my new car. That was a really mofoic thing to do.
by CaveMoss March 3, 2019
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