1 definition by CatchableAxe

He's like no other, smart and thorough. Although being shy and all, near close friends he'll be just as fun and as dynamic. Always thinking about his friends even at the busiest of times. He tends to have periods where he lacks mood since he is very socially dependent and the society around him doesn't accept him. His girlfriend must be special in all senses, that's why he strives so much and cares so much for her. Music is a big part of his life.
In short, a man of his word and a true freind to be with.
Matt - "Are you single?"
Anya - "I'm sorry I'm dating Elad"
Matt - "No way you guys fit so much together! He has no idea of what he's got"
Anya - "Actually he kinda does.. he's so cute though.."
by CatchableAxe November 24, 2021
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