3 definitions by CarpeNoctemm

Typically beautiful, tall, light haired women with an affinity for fire and dance. Can lure men with their dance and aura alone, captivating them immediately. Can ensnare a man to the point where they are driven mad with only thoughts of the Vila. Very charming and energetic but when scorned are very jealous, vindictive and vengeful.
Her beauty was so captivating, it almost bordered on the beauty of a Vila.
by CarpeNoctemm November 18, 2018
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In myth a Nephilim is the offspring of an angel and a human female. Often regarded as very powerful beings when they reach maturity.
Their father was an angel and mother a human, they are Nephilim.
by CarpeNoctemm July 11, 2018
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Creatures from Greek mythology that were said to have snakes for hair and could turn you to stone with their gaze. Blood from the left side of their body is a fatal poison and blood from the right side can heal.
Medusa is known as being the most famous gorgon.
by CarpeNoctemm November 19, 2018
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