13 definitions by Carnefice

A feeling of intense sadness and shame for the past or the dreading of events to come, stemming from overthinking as a result of sleep deprivation. This often occurs late at night, but can usually be remedied by simply sleeping.
“Babe I’ve been crying again, I miss you so much!”

“Just get some rest. You’ve got the midnight blues.”
by Carnefice July 24, 2019
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The name given to the feeling of enjoyment and nostalgia when reflecting on an event that was a negative experience at the time, but is humorous or fun to look back on.
"God, I hated hiking up that mountain at the time. But looking back, I guess it was a unique experience. That's Type 2 Fun for you!"
by Carnefice January 3, 2018
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When a non-religious person visits a place of great Christian significance (such as The Vatican), and is so enchanted by the art and scenery that they consider becoming a born-again Christian.
“Seeing all of the statues, all of the artwork, I just feel like this place is *right*, you know?”

“Sounds like classic Vatican Syndrome to me.”
by Carnefice November 14, 2021
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To habitually and often uncontrollably chew one’s own flesh, to eat oneself, often out of anxiety or boredom.

Common appendages on the body that are subjected to the effects of Devil’s Appetite are the sides of one’s knuckles, callouses on the soles of feet and toes, and the palms of one’s hands.
“Michael, why is there blood smudged on your paper?”

“Sorry, I have Devil’s Appetite and sometimes I take it a little too far.”
by Carnefice June 18, 2019
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To embark on a course of action that you will not be able to abandon later. Once you start, you will not be able to stop.
“Ha! See? I told you I could Ride the Tiger!”

“Yeah. You sure showed me. Now how are you going to get off the tiger’s back without being eaten?”
by Carnefice June 16, 2020
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When two or more men, usually close friends, engage in a heart-to-heart conversation in which they reveal their deepest admirations for one another, but can only admit them under their breath and whispering due to a reluctance to show emotional openness or weakness.
“I... I love you, man.”

Nice Bro Whisper, dude.”
by Carnefice May 20, 2018
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