1 definition by CarlyPrep

I am like seriously exhausted oh hearing people talk trash about abercrombie.(or any place that is similar (aero, american eagle, hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch). There is aboslutely nothing wrong with any brand that is considered preppy by a majority. I would call myself a prep and do not see a problem wiht it at all. If getting good grades, being liked by alot of people, having yahts, and being comfortable enough with ourselves to express it through material items then so be it. I'm terrible sorry if your not skinny enough to waer abercrombie, don't have enough money to wear or just don't have that much of a fashion sense then you are trully missing out on alot. And no, I don't think im better then everyone else, I just know that if you really hated the brand then just stop talking about it. I am willing to pay the extra dollars to have clearly declare the two words abercrombie and fitch across my chest. And seriosuly abercrombie is not expensive try actualy desinger labels like Gucci, Versache or Prada and then you will relaly understand the meaning of expensive clothes! As long as I or my parents can afford it, i will continue to buy this brand and proudly wear it! I love Abercrombie and Fitch and you should too!
non A%F girl- omg abercrombie is so preppy i hate, people should spen money on other things

A&F girl- Your Jeolous!! That's right J-E-O-L-O-U-S! JEOLOUS!
I love Abercrombie and Fitch and you should too!
by CarlyPrep September 26, 2007
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