2 definitions by Captain of Industry

All the kids these days are saying "that's whack" or "that's crazy."

There's a much better way to express that something seems amiss. I urge people to use this new term when something isn't right.
Suzie has just told Bobby that he must stay at school an extra 2 hours to complete a project.

Bobby replies by saying, "That's straight up fakakta farms!"
by Captain of Industry November 22, 2009
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A place where Lululemon clad, somewhat wealthy women meet to gossip, stretch, listen to calming music, and ultimately pass gas at one another. Sometimes heat is added, but that’ll cost extra.
Kammy was delayed arriving to her mani/pedi because the Yogatorium started her Tantric Escapes class later than usual.
by Captain of Industry October 1, 2021
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