172 definitions by Cap'n Bullmoose

The recreational act of baring one's ass in public with the intention of it being seen by people who don't want, or expect, to see it.
We drove to the Presidio to go mooning in front of the Officer's Club. A car full of majors and colonels followed us all the way back to Oakland. Guess they wanted to see some more moons.
by Cap'n Bullmoose May 13, 2005
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Cool, fresh, outta sight. Very common in the early 1950s, about the same time as zorch and zorch cow.
Hey, that movie was real George.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 23, 2005
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Cool. Awesome.

An expression from the mid 1950s, which fell from favor by the early 1960s.
Sal Bufardesi let a tremendous binderfender in class one day, grinned, and said "that's boss!"
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 23, 2005
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Bosses are like diapers: Full of shit and all over your ass.
My boss had nothing to do, so he watched me work all day today.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 23, 2005
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The proper title of Senaturd Hillary Clinton.
Quean Hillary said nothing important again today.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 21, 2005
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To walk around in public with no pants on, like Porky Pig or Donald Duck.

A ball walk.
Herman and Larry did a Porky Pig down Main Street on Tuesday afternoon.
by Cap'n Bullmoose May 13, 2005
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A punctuation mark that stooges, idiots, morons, dorks, and ignorant people put in front of the letter "s" with amazing inconsistency.
The sign outside the fruit stand said "Grape's, Apple's, and Peache's."

Butch puts an apostrophe before every final "s" in a sentence. He writes "Mr's. Hennessey say's we should alway's warsh our hand's after we come in from reces's. Especially after you take a pis's.
by Cap'n Bullmoose September 24, 2007
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