3 definitions by CannabisDilemma

The G-spot
The G-spot is an area 1 to 1.5 inches across and located about two finger joints deep into the vaginal entrance. Its sensitivity to stimulation was first discovered by Ernest GrŠaefenberg (1881-1957 - the G-spot is named after him) in 1950. As a result of direct stimulation the spot, which works like a sponge, will fill itself with fluid. To date it's unknown specifically what these fluids are, from where exactly they originate or what their exact function is. However, they're neither urine nor vaginal fluids and have no lubricating effect. A G-spot orgasm, combined with ejaculation, is much like the male orgasm, including the physical fatigue and the need for a refractory period. The ejaculate will come out in different flows - different women have different numbers of flows and the amount of ejaculate is very individually determined. Science has different opinions on the question if all women have a G-spot and if all are able to ejaculate.
"I touched her G-spot and she squirted all over me! It was so sexy."

"While he was fucking me I got so wet. He got my G-spot good for sure."

"The G-spot dude, i'm telling you, wanna get your wife wet? Make sure your rub against it."
by CannabisDilemma November 1, 2009
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When the vagina, is large, and the clitoris is stretched as if going into labor.
Dude, that chick got banged so many times, her vag is like a poonjabi!
by CannabisDilemma October 31, 2009
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1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders or a person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.

2. Someone who dreams of having a Harley one day, or think Harley riders are "Cool"

3. Someone unsure of wanting a Harley, but thinks they are "Cool" is also considered "Bike-Curious"
*Loud Harleys Drive By Reving Their Engines*

Bob: "Thoses guys are total Fags"

Information Thanks To Via Southpark
by CannabisDilemma November 8, 2009
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