2 definitions by Candyfloss_funk

A city in Nottingham famous for gun crime and general chavness and scaryness.
Fred: I live in Carlton, where you you live?
Bob: I live in St Anns.
Fred: Oh dear. Erm, bye!

*walks away quickly*
by Candyfloss_funk September 15, 2005
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When the mosh pit splits in half and runs at each other at a certain point in the music. A good song to use is Duality by Slipknot.

Usually followed by much moshing

Joining a wall of death is very scary, but one tip, is to take a deep breath before running, and look at the wall of people in front of you and decide on who you're going to run at.

It's a huge adrenaline rush.
Harry: Dude, wanna go join the wall of death?
Sally: Nah, I got a bruised eye moshing with those huge guys earlier. I'm out for the rest of the night.
by Candyfloss_funk August 29, 2005
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