11 definitions by CHNOPS

Element #76 with the symbol Os, a.k.a. the bluest metal in the world. Although it might seem pretty, Osmium is far from being good jewelry or building material, unless you want things with unbelievably high costs. It's a relatively non-toxic substance, granted that you don't combine it with Oxygen. Its name comes from the Greek word "Osme", which means "smell", "scent", or "odor". This definition refers to the nasty volatile compound that occurs when you mix Oxygen with the latter. It's also an extremely heavy metal, weighing 5x more than Lead does.
Osmium is the heaviest, stable metal in the universe.
by CHNOPS July 9, 2020
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The 41st metallic chemical element with the symbol Nb. Niobium is hard, durable, and strong, being very helpful in alloys for jet engines and oil rigs. It is also non-toxic and very pretty when anodized, making it an ideal metal for jewelry and art. It is classified as a semi-precious metal, but with its industrial and decorative uses, it becomes a very precious metal for some. The metal got its name from "Niobe", who was the daughter of Tantalus in Greek Mythology. This is also evident on the periodic table, due to Niobium being situated directly above Tantalum. However, it was originally named "Columbium", and was later changed for obvious reasons.
Niobium is a good example of a multitasker.
by CHNOPS July 9, 2020
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The 51st semi-metallic element. Antimony has been known since ancient times, as well as its high toxicity. It's an extremely brittle substance that'll form a dust if you crush it, and'll fuck with your lungs if you breathe it. It has its uses in alloys for Type Metal, and compounds for flame-resistance. It's also paired up with Lead for use in electronic goods. The name "Antimony" is formed from the Greek words "Anti" (not) and "Monos" (alone/single), meaning "A metal not found alone". This refers to the fact that it doesn't like being left uncombined, and its ability to form many compounds with other elements to create minerals such as Stibnite (Antimony sulfide), or Dyscrasite (Silver antimonide).
Antimony powder should NOT be snorted, ignoring the fact that it can kill you like many other drugs can.
by CHNOPS July 9, 2020
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Element #87, with the symbol Fr. Francium is the exact opposite of stable, decaying in a matter of nanoseconds. Its most stable isotope, Francium-223, decays in only 22 minutes. It is extremely radioactive, and has no uses besides being a space-filler on the periodic table. One could say that it could be used as a weapon, but the fact that only 30 grams of the stuff can exist on Earth at a time would rule out that suggestion. Single Francium atoms are also fiendishly difficult to synthesize. These factors effectively make Francium forever useless and obsolete. Francium was named after France, where it was discovered in Paris.
Francium has the lifespan of an antivaxxer's child.
by CHNOPS July 9, 2020
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