1 definition by CCDsufferer

Compulsive-Complaining Disorder

This is a disease that usually occurs at the age of 15 or 16, especially in the UK during GCSEs. There is no known cure but it usually dies down a bit after that period of time.

However, there are some people who are born with this disease and live their whole life suffering from it. It is, unfortunately, hereditary.

Symptoms include: "FML", more swearing than usual, becoming maniacally depressed at writing with a blue biro, banging head on table, banging head on wall, banging head on any available surface, napping in the afternoon, napping in class, staying up very late in the evenings.
Teen 1: "...and then the homework is in for tomorrow and she hasn't taught us it and there's the coursework and that is fucked up and then..."

Teen 2: "Wow, he's got a bad case of CCD"


Person 1: *banging head against wall* FML. FML. FML.

Person 2: What's wrong?


Person 3: I'd leave her alone, she has CCD

Person 2: *comprehension dawning* oooh
by CCDsufferer March 31, 2010
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