3 definitions by CATSARECATS!)!

Likes people named eric.
Girl: You like Eric?
Aundrea: Ya
by CATSARECATS!)! August 24, 2018
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A demon whose only purpose is to cause havoc and destruction.
Guy 1: Hashameh
Guy 2: Hasoheh
Guy 1: I think we just summoned trump!
by CATSARECATS!)! August 24, 2018
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Used to drink liquids such as tea and water. Americans call it a cup.
Guy 1: It just annoys me when those pesky Americans call a drinky midiinki dink a cup
Guy 2: I know, right?

(start laughing, drink tea and go about their day)
by CATSARECATS!)! August 24, 2018
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