2 definitions by CAHUGCAHUGgaheeecccc

An amazing human being with a great sense of humor and lovely personality. He's super friendly and has a voice as sweet as cake icing. He cares about his friends and is always so happy that you've probably only seen him force a frown. On top of all of that... he can be a bit stupid sometimes.
"Derek is so funny! One time he made he laugh so hard I literally fell on the ground!"
by CAHUGCAHUGgaheeecccc November 22, 2018
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The best character in the show BFDI. Can shoot dubstep lasers at people and screech to stun them. Also he can "dismemble" characters . He is rumoured to do this by turning his hand into a claw and brutally tearing off limbs. He has done this offscreen to his friend, X
by CAHUGCAHUGgaheeecccc March 1, 2018
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