10 definitions by C44444

a neighborhood where black guys pretend to be in "gangs" and try to press you at juni while they have their whole mvbike life trailing behind them and when guys try to finger girls at regas movies at atlas. But honestly, middle village is better then Whitson or bayside and Douglaston shit because those are just snobs and white rich bitches that don't have friends or a life so middle village is the best your gonna get in queens. But we honestly have the best people who know how to work and don't have everything given to them by their parents but those kids throwing crip signs at the park...we dont accept them, but mv kids def had a good childhood especially if you went to hope.
gianna-" where do you guys live"
nick-"middle village"
gianna-"ew everyone is mad gay there and thinks they are in hardcore gangs when they are 15"
nick-"well atleast im not from whitestone"
by C44444 May 12, 2020
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ouu okay
originates from Alexa’s fyp
Alexa-“go off ouu okay”
by C44444 August 7, 2021
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jen-“hey are you a Biddie”
robert- “tf is a Biddie”
jen- *adds to ANACC hit list*
by C44444 July 12, 2021
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