2 definitions by Bruce Wayne

Redkore symbolizes anything in life. It can be anything someone wants it to be. It is a way to express ones emotion or desire in a way that is un-describable. Redkore can be pleasure,joy,sadness,extremities, hope, tragedy...you name it. Therefore redkore is born.
"yo man my mom walked in on me when i was doing Redkore now i gotta get a job"

"You are not going to believe what happend. Sally gave me a redkore all night it was amazing."
by Bruce Wayne December 11, 2013
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1. An in"duh"vidual that you work with at your place of employment
2. Someone who doesn't have a clue
3. Someone who is told several times the same information
4. Businessly correct term for "moron"
Phil, don't you get it, you stupid jagknocker!

I work with this guy, MC, he is such a jagnocker!
by Bruce Wayne June 22, 2004
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