2 definitions by Broseph2891

When you have been puzzling so hard that your neck begins to hurt. At this point you need to see a chiropractor.
Shannon: “Joe, we have been puzzling for so long my neck is hurting.”

Joe: “Uh oh, you got a classic case of Puzzler’s Neck. Time to see a chiropractor Shannon.”
by Broseph2891 November 20, 2021
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This is a term used for recovering addicts and alcoholics in the rooms of AAand NA. It is when a person with more than one year of sobriety becomes sexual with a newcomer in recovery. This method is successful because people with less than one year clean have extremely low self-esteem and are in a vulnerable state where they need to be comforted. Typically a man 13th steps a woman, but the reverse is equally as possible.
"You guys want to go to a meeting tonight and start 13th stepping some girls who only have one week clean? Its gonna be easy because they're all slutswith daddy issues!"
by Broseph2891 March 27, 2014
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